
Showing posts from March, 2012


T-MINUS 1 DAY!!!! I charged through yesterday on only two hours of sleep, desperate to be so exhausted that I'd crash at the end of the night. That didn't happen. My brain has been working overtime lately; and since that's a new condition for me, I didn't fall asleep until about 10:00. Then my eyes sprung open at around 2:30, not 4:00 as I wanted. So I laid in bed, with my iPhone (exactly the wrong thing if you remember the factoid from yesterday) and turned my radio on very quietly. I finished turns at Words Free, (awesome game!) and Scramble (awesomer game!) then jotted down a few ideas so they wouldn't run screaming from me. I also read a few chapters of The Long Drunk by one Eric Coyote. This is a delightfully original whodunit about a homeless man who endeavors to solve a murder in a week that the police can't, so he can get the $25,000 reward to pay a vet to save his dog who was hit by an SUV AND has lymphoma. He emailed it to me after seeing my revie...

Insomnia, NPR and The King of All Media (Howard Stern)

T-MINUS 2 DAYS Soooooo tired! I've been up since 11:45 last night. It's quite aggravating to be unable to sleep. Throws the entire rhythm of the day off. Like all vampires, I require complete darkness to sleep; so it is impossible for me to nap in the day when Shiloh does. The only thing I can hope for is that I'll be so exhausted by the time I crawl into bed there is NO way I won't pass out as soon as my head hits the pillow, then awake at the wonderful hour of  4:00 a.m. That's all I ask. I love getting up early in the morning. All is quiet in my house (provided I'm not trying to blow it to smithereens!) It's my peace and solitude before the circus swings into full gear. (Doo-doo-dooty-dooty-doo-doo-doo!) With the exception of the occasional night terror - when Shiloh screams as though she's being stabbed and needs to be rocked for about forty-five minutes - she has slept through the night since she was three months old. So she is up and ready ...

Humor, Ha-Has and Little Things

T-MINUS 3 DAYS Last night while brushing my teeth I got caught up in a gale of giggles over something that wasn't really THAT funny. I laughed and laughed; even a few tears sprouted from my eyes. When the giggling subsided, the realization dawned on me that residual hysteria from nearly blowing up my house yesterday morning had manifested itself in the form of laughter. Heavens. I am one blessed woman. The Universe looks out for me even in my deathly airheaded moments. I am utterly humbled and grateful to be able to laugh at my complete numbskullery. I will take every shot Ben (or anyone else for that matter) wants to fire at me in some variation of "Why'd you almost blow up the house?" I deserve it. Life lesson learned - thankfully with no collateral damage. I also got a-thinking (dangerous, I know!) about the rest of yesterday. I wasn't inordinately on edge but I did take more pleasure in the little things. All those cute toddlerisms (calling a diaper ...

Movies and Movie Quotes

T-MINUS 4 DAYS This morning there was a pretty scary event. I almost blew up my Barbie Ultimate Dream kitchen - literally! My close family and friends know this is entirely within the realm of possibility.  I have this visual of my mother sitting with her coffee, reading her iPad right now, shaking her head saying, "Oh, Meghan." My history is peppered with a few near-catastrophic events; one being that I actually set myself on fire - another kitchen and failure-to-listen-to-my-inner-voice mishap. A story for later. I know what you're thinking, "Meghan, you are so brave to continue with your love of cooking when the Grim Reaper likes to hang just outside your kitchen looking for ways to slay you with his scythe!"  "How did this nearly happen?" you ask. Our gas stove is powered by propane, not natural gas. I set a small pan on the stove in preparation for my cheese omelet and noticed one of the burners was slightly askew. Hmmm. Then I men...

Photography and Gardening

T-MINUS 7 Days I've established that I love to be in the kitchen and have a decent reputation there. However there are many subjects on which my knowledge is deficient. I know what you're thinking - mental telepathy, remember? You're thinking: "There are things you actually don't know? Wow!" The two subjects that have moved to the top of my "Must Learn More About" list are gardening and photography. "Why?" you ask. Well let me show you. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. Here are four. So there are four thousand words I don't have to type.                              Now that I've saved myself four thousand words I can elaborate a touch. I have a beautiful garden. These photos don't properly convey that and I would like to add some calla lilies to my garden. I was just informed by Ben that onions and lilies are related. Who knew? Apparently he did. But he knows pretty much everythin...

About Me - Cooking

T-MINUS 9 DAYS I know what you're thinking: "I wish I knew more about Meghan." That's right! Mental telepathy is one of my many gifts. Never fear! Since I aim to please today's posting is the first "About Me". In the "About Me" section of this Blogger I originally I lamented the 1200 word limit was woefully inadequate to actually impart who I am. Or any other bloggers for that matter. Then later on yesterday I was submitting my treasured insights elsewhere and there was 500 word limit bio section, which was optional to fill out. But I stepped up to the challenge! No stupid word limit was going to get the better of me. I am riding high on this inspiration wave and loving it. So I steered my mental surfboard (does one actually steer a surfboard?) over this wave and out splashed something witty. (Aren't these surfing metaphors genius?!) I impressed even myself - which really isn't that hard to do at times. Again the mental chorus...

Greetings and Salutations

As anyone who has known me for a significant length of time can attest to, I’m a bit crazy. Not throw-in-the-padded cell crazy (although I’ve had my moments) but the I-will-do-anything kind of crazy. As long as I believe my life experience will be enhanced by said proposal, I can be convinced. Not everything I’ve done I’d fess up to, but everything I’ve experienced has shaped who I am; and like everyone else I continue to evolve. For this past decade my life has been in a constant flux. My husband, Ben and I left Massachusetts in the summer of 2003 because he was done with New England. After several vacations out West he wanted to give life there a try. We were separated at the time, but he decided to give our marriage another chance and asked me to go with him. We took the entire summer to travel across the country in a Minnie Winnie before settling outside of Seattle, where he had a job lined up. Three years and one Isaac later we sold that house, bought another RV (this time a ...