
T-MINUS 1 DAY!!!! I charged through yesterday on only two hours of sleep, desperate to be so exhausted that I'd crash at the end of the night. That didn't happen. My brain has been working overtime lately; and since that's a new condition for me, I didn't fall asleep until about 10:00. Then my eyes sprung open at around 2:30, not 4:00 as I wanted. So I laid in bed, with my iPhone (exactly the wrong thing if you remember the factoid from yesterday) and turned my radio on very quietly. I finished turns at Words Free, (awesome game!) and Scramble (awesomer game!) then jotted down a few ideas so they wouldn't run screaming from me. I also read a few chapters of The Long Drunk by one Eric Coyote. This is a delightfully original whodunit about a homeless man who endeavors to solve a murder in a week that the police can't, so he can get the $25,000 reward to pay a vet to save his dog who was hit by an SUV AND has lymphoma. He emailed it to me after seeing my revie...