Book Review - A Long Drunk by Eric Coyote

As a writer trying to get noticed I am grateful to live in this technological era. There are so many options available to writers now - including self-publishing. It goes without saying that it's extremely difficult to get published via traditional routes. Now with Amazon and even Barnes and Noble's Nook, writers can go forward and publish their works as e-books. I'm going to review my YA novel yet again, this time with my sharpened vision, then attempt publication through conventional means a few more times. If that doesn't work I will self publish. A great way to get noticed by utilizing the e-book medium is word of mouth. As I mentioned in the Hair posting, Eric Coyote e-mailed me his book The Long Drunk , and asked me to review it after reading my review of American Psycho. I was supremely flattered, and delighted to get a free book to read. I finished it just after returning from the Easter reunion and this week was able to compose my thoughts... This i...