My Much Anticipated Return....

I'm back, baby! I know that you were all waiting with bated breath... Now you can exhale. Much has happened since my last book review (Seriously horror fans, buy this book! It's such a deal, and remember how much I love deals? ) School is out for the summer (AHHHHHH!!!!), my brave nephew started his stint in the Marines, a seriously horrific human being was convicted on the majority of his perverse crimes and an admirable writer shuffled off this mortal coil. Oh and the healthcare mandate was upheld by the Supreme Court. Those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head. First let me acknowledge how in awe I am of my nephew. He is embarking on a potentially perilous journey and it takes an amount of guts I don't possess. I can't recall if he's getting a reprieve after training around the time of the family reunion in August, but I hope that's the case. Isaac is out of school for the summer. Like a friend of mine whose son is also in school...