
Have you ever noticed that when you have a splinter in your mind causing you some concern that it taint's your life's outlook? I'm currently experiencing this phenomenon. An issue has cropped that will resolve itself, but until it does I'm perpetually worried and my rosy outlook is now a darker red... This became especially apparent to me yesterday. While listening to one of the NPR broadcasters recite the headlines, one was regarding the record-breaking tens-and-hundreds-of-millions of dollars that have been donated to both presidential campaigns. Normally that would fade into the white noise of the moment, but I recalled a comment Mom made during my parents' wonderful visit, and I'm paraphrasing here: "The amount of money being donated to the presidential campaigns really angers me." I agreed with her on principal, but was actually ambivalent at the time. When that sound bite was read yesterday, disgust, contempt and rage shot through me simultaneo...