For Fun

Nothing magnanimous in this post - just showing off my biggest fan's talent with the camera.... He's so awesome! I hate having my picture taken most of the time - but it was fun to play it up this time. Can't wait to do it again, if he wants. (I won't let it inflate my ego.... Don't think that's possible, actually!) Next time NO flowy shirt! There were many "preggo" pics that were deleted (per my demand - and I didn't even see them) I was stunned when he sent me these, though. Did I mention he's awesome? I didn't run screaming for the hills after seeing his pics, AND he gave me a great idea for another blog post! Since I have a case of "not-accomplishing-what-I-write-down-itis", I'm not going to write down what he said. It'll be great, but it does require some time to marinade. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the photos!