Hump Day Blechhhh....

Don't you just love it whence a day starts out really shitty and then turns up all sunshine and roses? Wish that was how my day went... Today was an amalgam of good - crap - backhanded good. A swirly turn through all that life has to offer, if you will. After a complete night's sleep, I awoke on the right side of the bed this morning. Even though the sun was doing its annoying rising-too-early-for-yours-truly thing, at least it propelled me out of bed by 5:30 so I could accomplish stuff - cleaning, light breakfast followed by kickboxing. Isaac got on the bus, I got Shiloh to daycare and rolled into work right on time. Work has been relatively slow for me this week, so whatever is asked of me I've accomplished lickity-split - and I scour calendars in case any new lunchtime meetings pop up, yet the meeting organizers haven't properly requested. So how happy was I today, when someone who I hold in the highest regard and is supremely self-sufficient required the use of m...