
Showing posts from October, 2013

My Fav Place, Girls & Season, Plus Labor Pains: My Review

Remember how I mused about not knowing you need something until it's thrust upon you?  Probably not, so follow the link if you'd like a refresher… Well my trip to Salem last weekend did not fall into that category - October is the greatest month to visit my favorite place on earth! Since I had to take two days off last week and haven't been made officially full time (no paid time off) going to visit on Halloween (this Thursday) wasn't going to happen. So last weekend was the next best time for this excursion.  The best thing about being from the area is knowing my way around (and not having to pay for a place to stay!) Both Maria and Kim told me go into Salem via Beverly, which is a few exits past Salem on 128. The traffic to get into Salem (which is several miles from the exit) was backed down the highway. I sailed on passed, mentally cajoling all the tourists not-in-the-know "So long suckers!".  The 24 hours passed, as they always do, way t...

Has it Been A Month?!

My favorite time of the year! I can scarcely believe it's been a full lunar cycle since my magnanimous fall! A couple of those weeks were the equivalent of a roller coaster rocketing downward, and if not for the support of some (you know who you are) I might have lost my footing. But life's ride appears to be on the ascent - for now. My knee is pretty much completely healed. I still have the remnants of three steri strips stuck to a small scab, which I keep covered with a band-aid most of the time. I was told by Mummy AND the NP who removed the stitches and applied the steri-strips NOT to remove them. The NP said I could trim the edges that come loose. One thing at which I've always excelled is doing exactly as I'm instructed (which is probably why it took me until high school to realize that I didn't HAVE to keep getting my hair permed, as Mummy insisted). I'm back in full-workout swing now! Today begins the 48-hour weigh-in window for the Jillian Mic...