Receding Blackness, New Glasses, Sicky and Guacamole Grilled Cheese

I could not be happier that the craptastic chapter of life that was last week has closed. It was just one of those weeks where a multitude of bad occurrences - one invited by my own stupidity - just colluded in a supernova of awful. The blackness that infected my psyche was quite off-putting, and if not for a dear friend allowing me to vent - not something I'm prone to doing - I would probably be in a room where no sharp objects are allowed. Since mine is a disposition that does not allow for happy mediums, nor gentle transitions, at 4:45 p.m. Friday, the moment I'd been waiting for all week happened - my switch flipped and the blackness receded. Woo-hoo! We met Mumsy and Daddy at our usual meeting place last Sunday to hand off Isaac and Shiloh - a Friendly's in Lee. They were kind enough to spring for lunch. When Shiloh was done eating she got restless, diving under the table for food that fell and fidgeting between Ben and Isaac on their booth. Ben took her outside and ...