A Few of my Favorite Things

Happy Thursday, y'all! Have you heard about the record snowfall in New England?! You did? Just checking. Yet more snow is falling from the sky as I type... Sigh... We're coming upon the end of lo this second month of the year, and I've been mulling over a few things, some new, some not, that have been cherries on the proverbial sundae that is life, and thought I'd share. (The creative numbering sequence I borrowed from the inestimable Ree Drummond, aka The Pioneer Woman) 1. NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS (of course!) Below are just a few pics I found from that totally awesome game! Even if you're a hater, you have to admit Super Bowl XLIX was, without a doubt, a thrilling nail-biter! It had everything a fan of football could ask for - equally matched teams, amazing plays and not one moment to relax until the fat lady sang - aka Butler's interception. Amazing! This is what I do! Needs me an 11 jersey! Says it all. :) Have me a 12 jers...