Signs of Spring

Greetings, all! Old man winter's been a cantankerous grouch and it's time for him to take a hike. This weekend most of us "sprang ahead" - that annoying, antiquated, pre-spring equinox custom of losing an hour's sleep so we have enough light at the end of the day to plow the fields. But that got me thinking about signs of spring: 1. GRILL AND CHAIRS Maybe the tropical temps tomorrow will melt the screen icicle... Not quite ready for a margarita on the arm. A mere nine days ago, both of these objects were completely encased in snow. Their reemergence is filling my head with such thoughts of green grass, garden and grilling (the three G's)! 2. BATHING SUIT CATALOG DISCLAIMER: The one bathing suit I own IS a Victoria's Secret bikini. As a company they have spectacular sales and superlative customer service, which is why I shop there. I have noticed, however, that their clothing selection has been cut dramatically! No denim, no fa...