A Twist of Fate

Yes, it's true. (Any Ghostbusters fans know what line cometh after this?? Hehe.) I am now being paid to write. The universe most definitely had a hand in this. The week after returning from vacation, I started perusing the job offerings. I replied to an ad on Craigslist for a part-time office assistant. I almost didn't send my resume, since the job was in a town about 45 minutes from me. But I thought maybe I could wow them so much I 'd get the expensive end of the pay scale, thus neutralizing the commute factor. I also thought it more likely I wouldn't be called back, since there are lots of people looking for work. But I had this feeling I should send my resume anyway, so I drafted a simple, few-sentence cover letter, attached my resume and clicked send. The next morning I received a call, which I let go to voicemail. It was the owner of the company. She said she received my resume and wanted to discuss my qualifications. I called her back later that morning and ...