Gobble, Gobble, Fitness Journey Continues

Happy Thanksgiving! Who else is flabbergasted that Turkey Day is tomorrow?? My mouth waters as I envision of a table loaded with turkey, potatoes, squash, green bean casserole (not for all, I know) and pies, and is surrounded with friends and family. Much to my dismay, I'm not accompanying Mumsy, Daddy, Barbie & twins as they now travel Pennsylvania to visit with Lynne and Wade. (Insert sobbing emoji). Alas, if the Jeep were working, Ben has to work on Friday, making it impossible for a road trip. But instead of another quiet day at home, though, I'm thrilled we are trekking to Gloucester to share the holiday with Ben's very dear friend and her family. She is a whiz in the kitchen, and I'm quite happy to partake in the fruits of her labor. I'm also thrilled that there won't be a bevy of leftovers hanging around the house! Especailly the potatoes. I make the WHOLE recipe which calling for five pounds of potatoes, a stick of butter (actually two stic...