Memorial Day and B-day BBQ; My Mild Hypochondria

Last weekend was the unofficial kick-off of summer and Isaac's birthday. We had a fun little BBQ to celebrate both. Given my obsessive-compulsive proclivities I sometimes wonder why I bother having gatherings. I nearly gave myself an ulcer over the weather, which turned out to be perfect; and I fretted that there wouldn't be enough to eat. Why that's even on my Worry List, let alone at the top is beyond me. A lack of food has never been an issue - in fact there have always been a plethora of leftovers at any gatherings I've hosted. But to quote a song from the soundtrack of my life, " I'm only happy when it rains, I'm only happy when it's complicated ." I've been this way since always - to a lesser degree now that I'm aware of it. Then Sunday arrived and people started arriving. Since I'm fortunate that all the people I consider friends are awesome, having a collective of awesome people at my house made me remember why I like having ...