Last weekend was the unofficial kick-off of summer and Isaac's birthday. We had a fun little BBQ to celebrate both. Given my obsessive-compulsive proclivities I sometimes wonder why I bother having gatherings. I nearly gave myself an ulcer over the weather, which turned out to be perfect; and I fretted that there wouldn't be enough to eat. Why that's even on my Worry List, let alone at the top is beyond me. A lack of food has never been an issue - in fact there have always been a plethora of leftovers at any gatherings I've hosted. But to quote a song from the soundtrack of my life, "
I'm only happy when it rains, I'm only happy when it's complicated." I've been this way since always - to a lesser degree now that I'm aware of it.
Then Sunday arrived and people started arriving. Since I'm fortunate that all the people I consider friends are awesome, having a collective of awesome people at my house made me remember why I like having parties. Then they started munching on the food I made and loved it, which we all know tickles me to end. Super Friend's husband accompanied her and the boys which was a treat. In addition to lending her talents to frosting Isaac's cookie cake; she also made the best potato salad I've tasted in a long time. My bestie whose house I escape to every eight weeks or so for my overnights came with vessels for transporting the five-layered Mexican dip I made (tortilla chips) and other snacks and juice boxes. Another friend brought with her sodas and the cutest cupcakes that resembled mini burgers. They reminded me of Super Mom's burger cookies and I immediately texted her a pic of them. (Amazing I thought to take a pic of those but completely forgot to take a pic of the cake!) My cuz was kind enough to bring burgers and buns AND the highlight of the kids' afternoon - a Slip-N-Slide.
Awww - aren't they cute? |
Sliding home... |
Woosh! |
Look out! |
Where'd my cookie go? |
I went into this day completely certain that I'd stick strictly to my diet. As I laid out the all the delectable offerings, my will power faded. I did make the pineapple salsa to go with the grilled shrimp, but I just couldn't not try the Mexican dip. Or the potato salad. Or the orzo salad. Or a piece of the cookie cake. But as I said before, I'm not going to dwell on that. It happened, it was yummy, each day starts anew.
After a week of self-inflicted obsessing, and an afternoon of sweet but raucous children tearing up the backyard some vodka was needed. Bestie and cuz stayed after everyone else left, and the three of us took a field trip to the grocery and liquor stores. In addition to the vodka, juice and s'mores ingredients (one more little present for Isaac) were needed. Ben got a totally awesome fire going.
Totally awesome fire. |
I love that I have a fire pit in my backyard and am looking forward to more fires and nights around them. We toasted marshmallows and Isaac had another helping of sugar before turning in for the night. I also had a s'more. That is the only time I like marshmallows. Bestie, cuz, Ben and I stayed up imbibing and chatting around the totally awesome fire. Of course they spent the night. Poor cuz got stuck with the air mattress that I didn't know had a slow leak. I came downstairs the next morning and she was cramped on the love seat on the living room! I felt like a heel.
That morning was an excellent reminder for me why I have backed off the imbibing! Granted that night was a bit of an excess, but it made me realize that when on a program it's not just one day that's affected. Sure Sunday was my off day, and that's okay. But I was supposed to do a workout on Monday and there was no way that was going to happen. And the day after having one too many, the drive to stick to a food schedule just isn't there. So there was no workout on Monday and excess snacking. But on Tuesday I was back on the food schedule and did Monday's and Tuesday's workouts so I didn't fall behind. Before going to bed Tuesday night I started feeling really ill.
I awoke Wednesday in less-than-stellar health. In addition to the nasal congestion and cough I've had for a few days, I had a low-grade fever and my joint and muscle aches caused me to stagger about like The Mummy. I did medicate with ibuprofen and Sudafed and was able to make it through the day. Shiloh and I met Super Friend and her boys at a local indoor play land that afternoon, and she bounced between the trampoline, swings, ball pits and the bouncy-house; and she missed her nap. When six o'clock rolled around and she didn't eat her dinner, I put her to bed. I quickly followed suit. Ben wasn't home from work and Isaac amused himself on the computer. I stretched out on my bed with
Fifty Shades Freed. (For such
vanilla writing, the
Fifty Shades trilogy was a captivating tale. I devoured all three books in just as many days). Isaac came up to see me at around seven. He asked if I was okay and I said I wasn't feeling well. Then my sweet, wonderful boy asked if he could get me a bucket. I chuckled and told him my tummy wasn't upset, I had a fever and my muscles ached. Then I said he could bring one of the
Calvin and Hobbes books up and read with me if he wanted. Which he did. I tucked him in at eight-fifteen and went back to my book. I finished it by ten, with a few turns at Words Free as diversions. By then my fever had spiked and I had some chills and my muscle aches were the worst they'd been all day. It was then I remembered I'd scratched at some mosquito bites earlier, and we live in an area where Triple E has been known to occur. So I did the only thing a mild hypochondriac would do - go online and look for confirmation that I contracted an improbable illness. Figures that every symptom I had was listed there. Great! Panic twisted my stomach in knots and I could feel bile rising. My voice of reason still wasn't home so I called him. Ben assuaged my fears by saying that they don't even start spraying for Triple E until July, and if I still feel bad in the morning to call the doctor. Oh, and he said, "You aren't going to be the first person diagnosed with Triple E this year. I'll be home in fifteen minutes." All this reason acted as a dam, holding the flood of panic at bay - but I had to find something else this could possibly be. I Googled flu symptoms. Every symptom I had was listed there - including the congestion and cough, which weren't on the list of Triple E symptoms. I had the flu. Of course I did. Occam's Razor at work here...
I awoke this morning soaked with sweat and no body aches. Relief and chagrin coursed through me in equal amounts and Ben has been only too happy to cajole me with: "How's the Triple E?" "Way to beat the Triple E." I'm sure there are copious amounts of chop busting yet to come but I can handle it. But boy does the flu wipe you out! I did my workout today, but wasn't able to give it my all and actually had to drop to my knees for a few seconds while holding myself in a plank position just after doing fifteen push-ups. Didn't like that. But I realize that I'm not yet completely rid of my flu yet and will get over it. I hate being sick!
Tonight's dinner is
salmon with puff pastry and pesto. This magnificent compilation of flavors is guaranteed to make your taste buds dance. And as extra pluses it's elegant and FAST. If you're going to have a fancy dinner party it would make a great main course; or you can even change up your regular weeknight repertoire with this. Your family will be amazed by the sophisticated flavors - provided they like salmon, of course!
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