
Showing posts from October, 2012

Halloween Hump Day Blurb

Image AAAAAAAADg0/5StNSDo4ASo/s320/hallow.jpg Happy Halloween (or Samhain to my Wiccan friends)! We just got back from a family trick-or-treat outing. It was most enjoyable. Ben nearly had to drag me, kicking and screaming. The original plan was for Ben to take Isaac after he got home from work. And we all know how I like to have my plans messed with... After work I made sauce, cleaned up, picked up Shiloh and then made meatballs for dinner. Isaac and  Shiloh ate then Isaac put on his costume. I was getting Shiloh ready for bed in her room when Ben came in: Ben:"I don't supposed you'd be interested in bringing Shiloh and all of us going?" Me: "Um, no." I was all set to sit home and enjoy the peace and quiet after Shiloh had gone to bed. Ben: "Are you sure? I mean we really don't do that much together as a family." Hmmmm. He must be taking guilt lessons from...

Seeing Red

Image disney/images/a/a6/Judge_Doom_Eyes.jpg So musers, this little fishy read something that made her so hopping mad she's not going to do her yoga before her second job in order to get this out! (I'm done referring to myself in the third person now)  Be forewarned, if you're sick of politics (like I am, but this is how mad what I read made me!) or right-leaning you may want to stop reading. Normally I avoid political rants like the plague because of divergent viewpoints and powerful feelings and where I’m going here is double trouble because it has to do with women’s reproductive rights. But with these scary-crazy-Neolithic Republicans popping out everywhere, like that horrific cluster of zits that appears just before you need your picture taken, I felt the need to vent. This past week yet another forward thinker with a direct line to God informed us heathens that it's part of God's plan for a woman to get preg...

Hump Day Blurb

Happy Hump Day, musers! How have you all been since I last regaled you with my wondrous thoughts? These past two weeks of relatively mild temperatures has been great! Given my love of everything fall, including the cooler temps, I never thought I'd utter such blasphemy. But last year's heating oil bills are emblazoned on my cerebellum like the Kenny Rogers Roasters Chicken sign: I can hardly believe it's been a week since my last posting, but it's been a bit busy around here. This little fishy got a visit from her parents this past weekend and it was totally awesome, dude! I'd give it a righteous two thumbs up! Whoa... Alright the spirit of one Ted Theodore Logan has now left me. I love seeing my parents and always enjoy our visits, but this one was particularly great. Mummy and Daddy dearest swooped in with their two adorable side-kick cocker spaniels in tow and for two days filled a void that we didn't know was there. They arrived Friday night and we...

Hump Day Blurb

Greetings wonderful musers! This is how I've decided to refer to you, as opposed to "dear readers" or followers. Hope you like it! I'm still swimming along. I got some great feedback on the Just Keep Swimming - The List  and that tickled me. Thanks to those of you who commented - it helps clear the waters through which I'm swimming! Glad I checked my FB for MM before starting the Hump Day Blurb. One of you actually asked for some advice! Of course the advice that was asked of me is something I'm going to have to dig deep for an answer I'll be happy with. But the most treasured of gems are the ones that have to be dug deep for, are they not? How's everyone's week going? I know via FB updates that my BSB's (Best Shopping Bud) dreamy Hawaiian honeymoon with her lovely wife is all you could expect from a dreamy Hawaiian honeymoon and I'm so happy for the both of them - and my eyes couldn't be greener!

Just Keep Swimming - The List

I love that an adorable fish who speaks whale, with short-term memory loss came up with the best phrase to repeat to yourself when you feel as though you're drowning. A week begins anew. And even though the Pats' dismal performance wasn't the most auspicious start, I'm not going treat the loss as a foreboding harbinger of ghoulish monsters looking to extract the last of my relatively sunny disposition, and replace it with dark pessimism. uploads/2008/11/btvse10s4.jpg When one is feeling encumbered by metaphorical ghouls, one needs to muster their internal "Scooby Gang" to cheer them on. As of late my Scooby Gang has been cataloging any positive event on mental flash cards and whipping them out whence my blues start bubbling up. I'm going to list, in no particular order, some of those flash cards. JUST KEEP SWIMMING It's my favorite month of my favorite time of the year I heard the universe and snagged a second...

Hump Day Blurb

How's everyone's Hump Day? Half way to the weekend! It's week two of my self-imposed schedule and it's working....for now! /2010/03/wheel_of_life.jpg As days go this one was the pits. I glanced at the calendar at one point today and it all made sense. Wednesday. Of course. Throughout my history the worst days I've had have always fallen on Wednesdays. Just something about Hump Day... must be the day the karmic wheel has settled on to unload a little - um - karmic justice for any of my transgressions to keep the universe in balance. Or some such New Age, hippie talk. The budget-balancing act around here has been as precarious as that of an acrobat's on at tightrope - and it's been stressing me out big time. Being the Irish lass that I am, denial mixed with a smattering of vodka-cranberry is my favorite cocktail. I'll swallow them both, and eventually the vodka-cranberry will leave, but the denial stays...

A Cranberry Fall Day and the Perfect Tuna Casserole

Just down the street... Fall! Autumn! This season is so fabulous, it's the only one with two names ! This past week was something of an Indian summer, especially Friday and Saturday. Normally I would be irritated by the warmer temps in fall, and I was. But not as much as I could have been, because after living in Tucson for the preceding three years I don't have a plethora of professional cool-weather clothes. The professional clothes hanging in my closet, which I've been clinging to for about ten years, are of the warm-weather variety. I got rid of some of my favorite cold weather items because they didn't fit well since, amazingly enough, I'm thinner now than I was then. Some of those clothes were pretty funky and cool (me to a T!) so I'm sad I don't have them to wear. Since Isaac is growing like a weed and as in desperate need of some new clothes as I am, he'll get them first. We live in the cranberry producing capital of the world. Our house is...

Hump Day Blurb

Happy Hump Day, dear readers! As weeks go, this first half has been pretty good. Just some minor annoyances with my children of the usual variety that come with their ages - and last night was the start of the new job. It went pretty smoothly and they were amazed at how fast I caught on. Flattering as that is, I still wonder how awful was the person before me?? It's not rocket science, but as Mom can attest to I catch on quickly when it comes to anything having to do with cash registers! There are a few things that aren't part of my vast repertoire in taking the public's money, like the lottery and making sure to check IDs. But again, "It's not rocket science, Smithers - it's brain surgery!" The young girl who served as my trainer was thrilled that I caught on so fast. She also asked how I got the job? I said I was in a couple of Fridays ago and before I cashed out I asked just asked the ...