Halloween Hump Day Blurb

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-XMXmf_TrbqQ/TpXElgOMgtI/ AAAAAAAADg0/5StNSDo4ASo/s320/hallow.jpg Happy Halloween (or Samhain to my Wiccan friends)! We just got back from a family trick-or-treat outing. It was most enjoyable. Ben nearly had to drag me, kicking and screaming. The original plan was for Ben to take Isaac after he got home from work. And we all know how I like to have my plans messed with... After work I made sauce, cleaned up, picked up Shiloh and then made meatballs for dinner. Isaac and Shiloh ate then Isaac put on his costume. I was getting Shiloh ready for bed in her room when Ben came in: Ben:"I don't supposed you'd be interested in bringing Shiloh and all of us going?" Me: "Um, no." I was all set to sit home and enjoy the peace and quiet after Shiloh had gone to bed. Ben: "Are you sure? I mean we really don't do that much together as a family." Hmmmm. He must be taking guilt lessons from...