Hump Day Blurb
Happy Hump Day, dear readers! As weeks go, this first half has been pretty good. Just some minor annoyances with my children of the usual variety that come with their ages - and last night was the start of the new job. It went pretty smoothly and they were amazed at how fast I caught on. Flattering as that is, I still wonder how awful was the person before me?? It's not rocket science, but as Mom can attest to I catch on quickly when it comes to anything having to do with cash registers! There are a few things that aren't part of my vast repertoire in taking the public's money, like the lottery and making sure to check IDs. But again, "It's not rocket science, Smithers - it's brain surgery!"
The young girl who served as my trainer was thrilled that I caught on so fast. She also asked how I got the job? I said I was in a couple of Fridays ago and before I cashed out I asked just asked the owner if he was looking for part-time help, he gave me an application and card. Then I brought it back the following Tuesday, he interviewed me and gave me the job. She said that he must have really liked my personality because they get a ton of applications and he's really picky about who he hires. In fact usually only people who are recommended to him by someone he knows are hired.
I was scrolling through the myriad other e-mails in my blog e-mail box (I subscribed to a few blogging websites' newsletters for info, advice, etc.) I read one titled "The Problem with Blogging When You Only Have Something to Say." Click - e-mail opens. "The problem with blogging when you only have something to say is that it is the most egotistical thing you can do." Personally the comment "Blogging only when you have something to say is a variant of blog puking" really hit home. That's exactly what I've been doing! A little focus and a schedule are needed here and "The Hump Day Blurb" is the beginning.
From what I've read about blogging, and the few comments I've gotten on the blog, the recipes of the day I include are step in the right direction. Interesting sidebar (well to me, anyway) - There's a wine club at my new job; and packages are put up for sale that include two bottles of wine, some recipes (food and cocktails) and a couple of nips (mini bottles of booze).I perused through the binder of inclusions for this month's bag, and the first meal recipe was Giada's Baked Penne with Roasted Vegetables. I mentioned to a co-worker that I recognized it - and that it was a scrumptious meal.
I digress... This "Hump Day Blurb" will be a regular. I thrive on organization, schedules and deadlines - it's my aspiration that imposing on myself a weekly deadline will create the schedule for the blog, hence avoiding the most unpleasant "blog puking"! Hump Day Blurbs will have a recipe as well as a "Fitness Tip of the Week". While I'm not in the peak physical condition I'd like to be yet, I'm more fit than I've ever been. I also have accumulated a wealth of knowledge I'd love to share. Believe it or not, a few people have actually asked me for fitness advice. I will regurgitate all I know with links to where I found the information for all of you.
Most importantly, the coolest thing would be to get any sort of feedback! Interaction has always been my goal. The cockles of my heart are warmed when anyone reads what I write, but a conversation is my endeavor. Conversations are a source of inspiration and, most importantly to me, offer a new view point. My ultimate goal as a human being is to grow..(queue Star Trek TNG Music... "To boldly go where no one has gone before...") My goals aren't that lofty, but I really do relish new perspectives, experiences and ways to view the world. The only way I can do that is if I hear from anyone who is kind enough to read what I've written.
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I was scrolling through the myriad other e-mails in my blog e-mail box (I subscribed to a few blogging websites' newsletters for info, advice, etc.) I read one titled "The Problem with Blogging When You Only Have Something to Say." Click - e-mail opens. "The problem with blogging when you only have something to say is that it is the most egotistical thing you can do." Personally the comment "Blogging only when you have something to say is a variant of blog puking" really hit home. That's exactly what I've been doing! A little focus and a schedule are needed here and "The Hump Day Blurb" is the beginning.
From what I've read about blogging, and the few comments I've gotten on the blog, the recipes of the day I include are step in the right direction. Interesting sidebar (well to me, anyway) - There's a wine club at my new job; and packages are put up for sale that include two bottles of wine, some recipes (food and cocktails) and a couple of nips (mini bottles of booze).I perused through the binder of inclusions for this month's bag, and the first meal recipe was Giada's Baked Penne with Roasted Vegetables. I mentioned to a co-worker that I recognized it - and that it was a scrumptious meal.
I digress... This "Hump Day Blurb" will be a regular. I thrive on organization, schedules and deadlines - it's my aspiration that imposing on myself a weekly deadline will create the schedule for the blog, hence avoiding the most unpleasant "blog puking"! Hump Day Blurbs will have a recipe as well as a "Fitness Tip of the Week". While I'm not in the peak physical condition I'd like to be yet, I'm more fit than I've ever been. I also have accumulated a wealth of knowledge I'd love to share. Believe it or not, a few people have actually asked me for fitness advice. I will regurgitate all I know with links to where I found the information for all of you.
Most importantly, the coolest thing would be to get any sort of feedback! Interaction has always been my goal. The cockles of my heart are warmed when anyone reads what I write, but a conversation is my endeavor. Conversations are a source of inspiration and, most importantly to me, offer a new view point. My ultimate goal as a human being is to grow..(queue Star Trek TNG Music... "To boldly go where no one has gone before...") My goals aren't that lofty, but I really do relish new perspectives, experiences and ways to view the world. The only way I can do that is if I hear from anyone who is kind enough to read what I've written.
One thing I've learned, much to my dismay, is that what and the amount of what we eat is just as - if not more so - important than exercise when it comes to losing weight. This might be great new if you're reading this and don't think you have the free space in your schedule to exercise. If that's the case, this is the posting for you!
We live in the age of smart phones. One of the greatest apps ever invented is My Fitness Pal. It's completely free and easy to use. If, at this time, you don't feel you have even a half an hour to devote to exercise, managing your caloric intake the the easiest way to start weight loss. My Fitness Pal is a fitness diary that manages everything - AND you can input your own recipes into your database. So if there's a favorite meal you cook, you can look up the ingredients and create the recipe to uncover the the caloric intake per person.
However, if you don't have a recipe repertoire, this most delicious website - caloric count and breakdowns included with each recipe - The coolest thing about My Fitness Pal I discovered is if you type the name of recipes into its database, it will come up! The database is huge, with recipes and menu item from just about anywhere - Weight Watchers, McDonald's, In-and-Out Burger, Jillian Michaels Master Your Metabolism Cookbook plus any grocery item you can find.
On to determining the number of calories you should imbibe. If you click on this link you should be able to calculate your daily number. (At this website was a banner for my personal inspiration for weight loss). If you follow the link for my personal inspiration, a great majority of my knowledge will be bestowed upon you. I know Jillian Michaels isn't everyone's cup of tea, but at the very least you can follow links to confirm validity. She's not my only source of information, but I will include links to everything I've learned for your (and my) comfort!
To surmise this week's tip - keep track of what you eat. If you don't feel as though you have the time for a half an hour of exercise a day, then at least determine your calorie number for the day and stick to it. I guarantee once you see how easy it is to monitor what you eat, you'll find space in your schedule for exercise. All it takes is a half an hour six days a week - provided you are sticking to your caloric intake. It worked for me when I stuck to it!
On to determining the number of calories you should imbibe. If you click on this link you should be able to calculate your daily number. (At this website was a banner for my personal inspiration for weight loss). If you follow the link for my personal inspiration, a great majority of my knowledge will be bestowed upon you. I know Jillian Michaels isn't everyone's cup of tea, but at the very least you can follow links to confirm validity. She's not my only source of information, but I will include links to everything I've learned for your (and my) comfort!
To surmise this week's tip - keep track of what you eat. If you don't feel as though you have the time for a half an hour of exercise a day, then at least determine your calorie number for the day and stick to it. I guarantee once you see how easy it is to monitor what you eat, you'll find space in your schedule for exercise. All it takes is a half an hour six days a week - provided you are sticking to your caloric intake. It worked for me when I stuck to it!
Since starting a healthier life isn't easy, especially if you aren't a breakfast person, here are some recipes you can whip up over the weekend and store in the refrigerator over the week and no longer think about breakfast! Harvest Pumpkin Muffins are simply divine - sweet without the guilt. And tonight I just made the Blueberry Muffin recipe to go with my frozen mixed Wyman Berries. I also didn't have any almond extract, so it was excluded. I also used Whole Wheat Pastry Flour and they turned out just scrum-diddly-umptious! If you have whirlwind mornings and have no time to prepare breakfasts, whip these up on the weekends and save them in the freezer or refrigerator, reheat in the microwave, schmear a bit of butter over (or not) and YUM!
Please share your tips, thoughts, recipes! I'm always in search of more info. Anyone know where I can get a deal on bakeware? More specifically at removable bottom tart pan... So e-mail me, Tweet me, FB me, or just leave a comment at the bottom of this posting. I want to hear from you!
Happy Fall!
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