Hump Day Blurb

Happy Hump Day, everyone! How's your week been?

As weeks go, for me, this has been pretty decent. The day job has been quiet - the only downfall to that is  the lack of lunches needing to be ordered. I'm ordering one tomorrow for a meeting on Friday, but for the past two-plus weeks there have been an average of three lunches a week for various meetings/trainings. Last week I had to make sure there was lunch for meetings every single day, plus there was another lunch ordered for company-wide off-site meeting (which I didn't attend because I had to man the big deal, though).

There is a restaurant we use regularly that makes great wraps and sandwiches, and on the odd occasion we need a formal dinner, they're right on top of that too. The desserts they have a sublime! I tasted one pumpkin cookie with a browed-butter frosting and I HAD to have the recipe. The whole concept was a conundrum for me because butter needs to be softened for frosting, and to brown butter it needs to be melted. The lovely lady who delivers the food (and is the head baker) told me that you brown the butter and then let it solidify. Duh! I'm psyched to attempt this most scrumptious, smoky-sweet frosting. My taste buds danced, and if I can accomplish that for others my mission will be accomplished!

I submitted a short essay with a link on the Signature Healthcare Brockton Hospital FB Page to become a "Mommy Blogger". The deadline for submissions is Friday; and while the likelihood of being me being chosen is dismally slim, since they said I should make sure my friends "like" my submission - I'm asking for your support. If you have a moment - follow the link and give the "like" a link.

I'm also submitting my short story this week! The submission guidelines are that the story is to be for a 10 - 14 year old in any genre - historical fiction,  contemporary, sci-fi... My story is of the contemporary genre; it centers around a 14-year-old boy who overhears a conversation between his parents about their dyer financial straights and decides to help out buy purchasing a Halloween costume for his five-year-old brother and then take him trick-or-treating. It may set the cockles of your heart all a-tingling!

How's everyone's football season going? The Pats are 6 - 3. While that's respectable, too many of the wins have been reliant on the good grace of fortune. I've yet to see them implement a stable rhythm nor convey confidence in each others' abilities - which used to be their strong suits. But alas, my opinion is that of an amateur observer.

This coming weekend I get to do what I love the best - be a HOSTESS! Shiloh's daycare provider and I get along famously (and it doesn't hurt that Ben and her husband hand out every Friday for video golf, at their house). They're coming over for dinner Saturday evening. I asked a few probing questions about what she likes to eat (since I know that men are human garbage disposals) and I wanted to make sure she enjoyed her meal. I've settled on the main course, Ben advised me on the dessert, now I just need to zero in on an appetizer. Oy! I'm so verklempt and love it!

Considering my current state is that of near unconsciousness... my fitness tip of the week revolves around sleep!


Get your ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!! Waking up for me isn't pretty - I can't believe that a bedroom for each of us hasn't been on the list of options for houses Ben and I have perused over the years. No matter how much I've slept, I'm a complete monster to deal with in the first moments of my awaking. And if I've not gotten eough sleep - forget it! Politeness has flown the coop! 

There are a multitude of other ramifications. It's not small task to take upon oneself to attempt healthy living. After my limited research, I've found not enough sleep hijacks my drive to accomplish goals I've set for myself the previous night. 

If I awaken the next day with a great complement of sleep, I still need that first sip of coffee to start the day correctly - but the rest of it goes ever so smoothly. Even the childrens' irritations are less irritating. 

With that said - I'm off to my comfy bed! Want my beauty ZZZZZs - the gods know I need them! And since the gods also know my patience is extended with a peaceful sleep they are urging me upstairs. 

Pleasant dreams!!


P.S. Obviously I'll check for grammatical errors in the morning!


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