The Hump Day Blurb Returneth!
My original plan was to have a quippy little St. Patrick's Day Post with a most original title of "Top O' The Morning To You!" That fell by the wayside because my ole friend Insomnia popped in for a visit at about 1:00 a.m. Monday and she kept me company all through the night. When 5:00 a.m. arrived, instead of popping out of bed bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as anticipated, I staggered out of bed, bleary-eyed and zombie-faced. I trudged to the kitchen and wandered around aimlessly, trying to figure out something for breakfast. Not even a cuppa Joe could get my brain into writing mode, then I remembered I'd completely neglected my German lessons on Sunday and whipped out Ole Reliable (my iPhone) and resumed my lessons with Professor Owl.
Yes. I am learning German. I read about Duolingo, a free language app, at my one-stop source for news - Why, German you ask? Because I'm a rebel. Spanish would be more practical, but who says I can't learn it later? Time to start crossing life goals off my list. A second language is scrawled at the top - right next to learning to play the piano and becoming a kung fu master. Quite an eclectic collection of goals, is it not? Eclectic collection. Eclectic collection. That's fun to say.
My esteemed opinion has been sought out by two more authors. One is a sci-fi novel and the other is contemporary. I started the sci-fi novel first. By which I mean I read a few paragraphs before crashing into slumber's blessed embrace Tuesday night. Hopefully I'll get a little farther tonight. Both requests came to me after they read my American Psycho review. I wonder if I'll get any from my review of The Interestings...
I've also had a most aggravating experience with a seller on Amazon. My book club for February was cancelled because most of us haven't finished the book - The Goldfinch, which is 800+ pages. I haven't been able to start it because it's not yet arrived. Of course my debit card was charged, and the three weeks allotted in the shipping notification passed on Monday. I sent the following e-mail complaint to the seller:
I am exceedingly aggrieved. My book has STILL not arrived, and this is the date listed in the e-mail as the latest arrival. There is no conceivable reason for it to take three weeks for this book to get here. The Pony Express would have had it here sooner. I want the book here by Wednesday or a refund.
I sure told them! I especially like the part about the Pony Express, don't you?? Of course I got an immediate groveling reply, with an assurance that they would overnight my precious book so I won't miss my next book club meeting. Ahem... I'm still waiting for a reply. I did a little looking into the seller (should have done that before) and there were several complaints about this type of situation. Sigh.... Hopefully I'll get the book at some point. I'm really looking forward to this one too!
How's everyone been? Who's ready for spring?
Tomorrow I shall share with a hearty, savory, divine, delicious soup! I've made it three times this winter and might make one more pot before the blessed thaw of spring descends.
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